Saturday, 31 December 2011

Still playing….and just waffling!

Just trying to get my head round live writer ….what can it do

…. it’s time to start pressing buttons and having a play

what about adding pictures…

well that seemed simple…by the way, this is Sharon and Steve, James’ parents,(James is Katie’s fiancée…yes they got engaged …Open-mouthed smile yay!!……but sadly cant afford to get married now they are renovating the cottage) creating some much needed parking outside the cottage. ooooh you can add faces…good fun.


how about adding pictures retrospectively (oops needed to find spell checker for that one!!)

….that it so much better than blogger and this is Katie and Steve viewing the cottage nearly a year ago….Steve had just noticed the interesting way of holding roofing felt on the porch…..


they’re clothes pegs?????…dont think they will catch on in the building trade!

Wow this is easy and so much quicker than blogger!! also been playing with layout…can you tell?

what next ….. change the colour of text…… simple……. font…. simple….

and just for the fun of it here are some pics of the cottage (just want to see if I overload it with pics… will it have a meltdown?????)

IMAG0012the cottage lounge - then….


lounge - taking shape (just discovered the inglenook and the bread ovens beside it!!)

S1052234fireplace finally exposed… and ceremonial fire lit!! stand back ..the heat is intense?!

not sure how this will all publish … playing with formatting and great you can even cut and paste…..definitely think blogging is going to be a happier thing!!

well… soon time to flex my C.A.S…. economical crafting…. brain cells….

Cardmaking here I come!!!!!!

Just a little test.

O.k hello blog world…are you still there…well I know you all are as I have been keeping up to date with all the lovely creations everyone has been making but I haven’t had a chance to blog along myself!!

This is my first test with windows live writer, anyone who has kindly visited my blog knows I am a very inept blogger and “Blogger” has frequently got the better of me PLUS I had a falling out with Talk Talk…..they liked taking my money but weren’t so keen on supplying me with a functioning broadband!!!! soooooo all in all I fell out of love with my blog PLUS my daughter finally bought her cottage (complete wreck!!) and we have worked on it every available weekend since September.

Anyway fresh start….new year…new broadband provider……reasonably tidy craft room and a new way of blogging…I thought…. here goes time to pop my head back into the blogosphere again and wish you all a very sincere


I hope 2012 treats you well.

and my new years resolution…to fall back in love with blogging!