For my first post back I wanted to share my new fad!! gift wrapping.
While I have been busy with other things, another way I got my crafty fix was to decorate parcels and this year's philosphoy is not to buy any more gift wrap, just Kraft paper, then have fun customising it.
....and I always hit the ground running with several birthdays In the first month...which has coincided nicely with Oak House Studio's "one stamp event" (check out the facebook page or the Oak House Studio blog) which is so inspirational. So I decided to join in with my own mini challenge on Tuesday ....I wrapped all the presents then set to decorating with Lynndas chosen stamp...the fabulous double daisy set ....which I absolutely love!!!
......just noticed the tag from the flower pot has dropped off....I haven't attached the tags properly until I get a chance to write on them
I created a matching card for the yellow daisy parcel, I used the same stencil that I created for the winding orange daisy, but this time after stencilling I washed over the ink with water
Hopefully this week I will post further details of the stencilling but I have stuck true to my frugal philosophy and used kids pens and my handmade daubers.
One thing I have discovered is that I have forgotten how to blog !!!! Especially on my
I pad.
The zentangle gift bag came about by accident ....being very lazy I tried stamping the flower without attaching it to a proper block. Result several mis-stamped flowers....which I idly started doodling on, filling in the gaps....I'm not totally happy with the finished result so might add some coloured centres before I give the parcel.
The reason I had the mis-stamped images was a few days ago I also decorated another parcel. This one needed to be unwrapped carefully and be kept upright, the flowers made ideal seals on the end, I ended up with an extra flower so again I made a matching card.
I did have one small item to wrap so I made a boxed card to incorporate the item as well ....I will be giving this today so won't show the contents but can show how pretty the inside looks with the stamp, the large solid stamp is so perfect for this kind of thing.
Well until I get the hang of blogging again (apologies for the lack of active links etc.) I think that is most probably enough waffle from me, hopefully I will get some practice posting some more detail pics of some of the the meantime pop along to see what creations Lynnda comes up with this weekend, it really is worth checking out the Oak House Studio Blog and One Stamp face book page, there will be some fantastic projects PLUS Lynnda is offering some great prizes!
If you have just found me again or visiting the first time Helllo, lovely to meet you and if you get a minute leave a comment and say hello! X