I am massively behind with blogging and my jaw dropped when I realised I had missed 6!! Less is More challenges..... I decided I had to have a go.....at them all....but I am still very pressed for time (payback for escaping so much, is massive backlog in house and repaying work swaps! plus still helping daughter buy wreck of house - so frustrating and time consuming).
Anyway with time ticking I decided to race myself..."how quick could I do this??" to keep it simpler I decided to narrow the challenges to using buttons on them all, this was supposed to make it easy....not sure it worked out that way......oh well...........
WEEK 11.... Acetate...yes I did groan.
Not sure the coloured wallet I cut up counts as acetate? could be plastic?
So have I fallen at the first hurdle? and the eagle-eyed will spot the lack of buttons but honestly the little snaps were with the buttons and they looked so much better than buttons...even if I did have to resort to hammering them on as they kept popping apart
Quick greeting generated on the PC...done!
....stop the clock - 12 minutes (would be so much quicker if my computer and printer were upstairs with my craft room ...but hey I am keeping fit at same time!)
couple of minutes to tidy bits away (hope you're impressed ...tidying is not my strong point).
20p bag of buttons from charity shop, scraps of ribbon.....20 minutes..not too bad...faffed with the greeting!!
Quick tidy again...and we're off..
WEEK 13 ..... Thank you or Congratulations
WEEK 13 ..... Thank you or Congratulations
recycled flower..1 button and handdrawn elements
woo hoo!!!! 5 minutes!!! oh well 6 if you count the fact the button fell of and had to be restuck on.
woo hoo!!!! 5 minutes!!! oh well 6 if you count the fact the button fell of and had to be restuck on.
not much to tidy ...
WEEK 14...... White on White....love this one... could have made loads, but will stick with buttons and as it's 17yr old niece's birthday saturday will go for a modern style to send to her.
17 minutes...could have been much quicker if I could have found matching, two holed, white buttons quicker....surprising how many looked white but weren't.
...buttons everywhere but will need some more next design...shove them to one side..
WEEK 15......Embossing.....Knew I saved my Easter egg box for something. .....the aperture was perfect for centering over the message(created in 'word'), then dry embossed round the edge (with knitting needle) to create a panel.
Ok 24 minutes.... card approx 10 minutes ...running round house like "Challenge Anneka" looking for missing button tin 14 minutes!!! (yes I have 3 button tins, 1 button box and 1 tub full and I still couldn't quite find something I really liked....and in the end all the fancy ceramics and shapes were put to one side and a couple of simple little blush coloured ones just seemed right to me...too plain?? what do you think??)
right... time now galloping away...will tidy away later...work in bombsite..
WEEK 16 .....Butterflies....so dear to my heart, so wow, how to do justice to this one on a budget...and with buttons!
OH DEAR 1 hour... now completely rushed and design completely different from the starting one!!!
Still not sure about this one being CAS. I drew round a large fridge magnet on the back of an invite (fabulous quality card), with a glue pen, sprinkled on glitter, then cut out (fabulous quality card nightmare to cut out!!!!!!!!!!)
Well approx 2 and 1/2 hours later and approx 1 1/2 hour later than I expected and I am finally blogging and blogger is being it's usual cantankerous self, so if this appears with giant gaps I am sorry, but thank you for stopping by and getting this far.
I must post this then go and pack for another weekend on the water, I am at work all day tomorrow and we'll leave as soon as I get home. I am hoping to get a chance to hop around some blogs later, I must see what you've all been up to!!!