Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Simply spotty!

Monday, 21 February 2011
Quick and simple.....I wish!!!!!
Well the afternoon is romping away and I desperately wanted to enter Clare's Weekly challenge which has a leaf inspired photo and I am determined to keep plugging on with my "keeping it simple" philosophy. Soooooooo ....I know ....I will knock up a quick card with a suitable sentiment and a bit of stencilling. ....ha ha ha ha.....this has taken me quite a bit of time!!!!... and quite honestly I know it's not quite right but as the deadline is ticking away I will post it anyway (then I really must feed my husband.....beans on toast if I don't get a move on!! he's hungry ooops).
LESS IS MORE has not only a Spring inspired challenge but some brilliant tips on creating word art. I really enjoyed exploring positioning of text but seriously know I haven't perfected it yet, not sure about the transparency thing...I had to use the "no fill" option in "format" and after creating my piece of work I found I couldn't then reposition it as a whole....there has to be away of grouping the entire piece and then moving???????? any help is gratefully received.
After I had created my word art I draft printed on paper to decide upon the positioning of my image.
I created a quick stencil by folding a piece of paper lengthways, roughly sketched one side of the leaf on the folded spine then cut out the shape. Once open I then cut the stalk.
I practiced on the draft print, then repeated the stencilling on a blank A5 piece of card.
I stencilled pen ink over the stencil using my homemade daubers (further details on the dauber tutorial). I used a yellow and a couple of greens....again I was disappointed with my colours... I would have preferred a much fresher brighter palette for spring. To create the spine detail I cut out some veins from the stencil off-cut. I reinserted the leaf and stencilled a darker colour.
I then repeated the process by shifting the stencil over to the side (first I used the stencil to cut another leaf to create a mask to place over the original stencilled leaf).

Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Printing and "Puns"
My daughter is a huge Edward Monkton fan,true to form she bought oneof his cards for her boyfriend on Valentines Day. So I made my own homage to Monkton with some little bird (sitting in a tree!!) cards complete with corny pun's ...thought this would be suitable for ALLSORTS CHALLENGE which is "all about the sentiment"
The sentiment on the front then leads inside.....
Totally daft I know (I gave the card to Katie and James on Valentines and I think they were quite amused ?!?).
Then I saw that CREATIVE CRAFT CHALLENGE is "Cards for a teens"...always tricky particularly as we have quite a few in the family!! So I thought I would adapt the design for my niece (17).
Again going for a very cheesy pun..
and I will finish the song inside!!! at least she'll be spared me singing it!
The cards are so easy to make and I even managed to resist using an ink pad...inking my finger with a waterbased brush marker.......you would think waterbased would wash off.....

Friday, 11 February 2011
To be honest I actually got on with the cheapest one the best, the old school set were lovely and soft and blendable but they didn't sharpen well and it was difficult to use them on small details.
To soften edges and blend....I tried various implements and techniques (polystyrene, different erasers, foam...etc!) but actually blending with my finger worked best.
To finish them off I raided some of salvaged ribbon stock!!!!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Each moment....
I have created this card using inspiration from three sources,
First was Clares Challenge at Do Crafts, she has chosen a wonderful atmospheric black and white photo...so I have used a special photo taken at dawn on our silver wedding anniversary trip, to enhance the misty effect I washed over the picture with water to blend the ink.
I then cropped the image and trimmed it into three. After I lightly attached these into position with glue, I fastened them down with red thread, This was the inspiration from DYSU RED HOT challenge.... I have used my red more subtly...I found red stood out better just as a slight accent ...perhaps more of a ...slow burn rather than red hot!!!
And finally I have joined ALLSORTS again, their challenge is Love love love. This card is filled with love as it is for my husband (Valentine ...or Anniversary..not sure??), but I wanted the wording to reflect the Love element. I often think the wording or sentiment is more important than the image and decorative elements.
I created the wording in a Word document...draft printed it ...attached a scrap of vellum over the wording then passed it through the printer again. Once dry I ripped the phrase of the carrier sheet and attached it over the image. The final touch was a little drawn heart on a sticky price label, enhanced with clear nail varnish. It was self adhesive but I also attached it with a dressmaking pin.....I removed the point with some pliers...I would hate to draw blood when Steve opened the envelope!!!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011
I've designed this card for Allsorts Challenge which is "use something not designed for cardmaking"...well as my blog is all about slightly alternative papercrafting this is really up my street... but I really wanted to use something I have never used before... so as I ended up with duplicate calendars from our wonderful local takeaway (no I do not eat that many takeaways...but my daughter's..bestfriend's...partner's...family own it!! so they are always very generous to us...thank you Christine and Darren), I decided to sacrifice one and utilise the very pretty design on a card.
In fact all the stuff is recycled. Raffia from a posy of flowers I received a long time ago, a fabric flower from an artificial bunch, old nail varnish, ordinary stationary split pins, and the card base was created by sandwiching an off-cut of brown card with a piece of ivory card
I found the calender easy to cut but found one of the edges frayed and fell apart quickly so that section I supported on the back with tape and cut through the middle.
I didn't like the shiny pin heads so I covered these with nail varnish and put some of the nail varnish in the middle of the flower to cover the hole (this had the plastic fixing pushed through the centre, which I had removed), unfortunately the nail varnish has separated and was very runny which sunk into the fabric.....LUCKILY I had saved some shiny bits from a previous
project so I sprinkled these on ...I am a serious hoarder... these were the little tiny bits that fell off the scouring pads I cut up for my Cute as a button card...but I knew they would come in for something!!!!!!
Finally as the calendar was made from a compressed paper and the back was lovely and white, I couldn't resist trying this with a proper rubber stamp...I did ink the stamp with waterbased brush markers, so again cost effective...but it still stamped beautifully. I turned this into a quick topper with a scrap of the brown card and a piece of embroidery thread, I only attached this along the top so it hangs nicely like a mini blind!
... the cards needs finishing but I will save this for when the occasion arises.
As QUICK CARDS MAGAZINE has a competition celebrating Chinese New Year I may send this off for that.